(Imagine the person in front of you. Understand and accept that the person, is a mirror of your emotions. Keep your hands in Namaste position and bow lovingly. Silently say,)
“Atma Namaste”
(Raise your hands in a blessing posture. Silently say,)
“I the soul, salute the divinity within you,
I the soul, salute the Atma (Soul) within you.
(Lovingly think of the divine father and divine mother,)
“Divine Father, Divine Mother, we are Children of God.
We are all Children of most high.
We all make mistakes. We are all evolving.
(Mentally cut the cords.. Feel compassion for that person. Bless that person with peace and love. Visualize the person is going far away from you…)
“You are forgiven! God’s blessings be with you!
I release you. Go in peace. Namaste!
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi, Om.”
Mentally visualize that your aura is clean and bright.
“Thank you god, in full faith.”